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Hand in Hand courses
for non-healthcare professionals
Welcome to the Lay Childbirth Educators Forum where our mission is to make a difference in the lives of pregnant moms & dads through the educators they are taught by.
Our Aim is to keep educators updated on evidence based birth so pregnant moms and dads can make informed decisions along their pregnancy and parenting journey.
That any educator wearing a Hand in Hand badge can be trusted to give great education with empathy, understanding and expertise so they can enrich their clients experience.
Entrance Requirements
Mother herself
Digitally Literate
Access to internet & Zoom
Core Modules (12)
Pregnancy Basics
Childbirth Basics / Pregnancy Foundations
Practice managemnet - Setting up a practice
Teaching with Pizazz
Childbirth education basics / Foundation of CBE
Preperation for Labour and birth - Trusting birth
Pain in Labour
What if in Labour... when the pathway changes
Birthing moments the passage of life
Newborn notes and nurturing
Postnatal recovery
Help is at hand
Practical Requirements
Observe a doula supporting during labour and Birth, & do a write up (particularly observing comfort measure of labour that promote the progress and process of physiological labour)
Observe and document the 9 instinctive stages and skin to skin immediately after birth
Conduct a birth experience interview and debriefing
Observe provided video births and critique the care given
Video part of a teaching class
Course Costings
Certified childbirth educators course
R15 000 Including Vat
Payment of R4 000 to register
(non-refundable deposit)
Course Length
14 months to complete
An extension may be granted under certain circumstances
Payment Options
Option 1
Deposit - non-refundable - R4 000
Balance due after 1 month - R11 000
Option 2
Deposit R4 000 before course starts
R1 500 per month x 7 months
R1 450 x 1
= R15 500
Option 3
Deposit R4 000 before course starts
R 1 000 per month x 12 months
= R16 000
Portfolio of evidence
Resource cupboard
Learning Moments
Development of teaching materials
Fact Sheets
Discussion Article
Teaching Video
Birth Observations and write ups
Trauma interview and write up
Observe and document skin to skin
Observe and document 9 instinctive stages
Starting date
Tuesday 20th February 2024
Tuesday 16th July 2024
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